An Extensive Guide To Hair Transplant Aftercare and Recovery

Hair Transplant Aftercare and Recovery

What are the cares after hair transplantation? Although hair transplantation can give your hair more charm and beauty; But you should not neglect the An Extensive Guide To Hair Transplant Aftercare and Recovery. Imagine that the work is done only by performing the hair transplant procedure. Care after hair transplantation is as important as the operation itself. In addition, it can have many effects on the success of the implantation procedure.

Skin and hair care includes washing, feeding and rest. What does hair care, especially in the week after hair transplant, include? Although hair transplantation can give your hair more charm and beauty; But you should not think that the work is finished only by performing the hair transplant procedure. Care after hair transplantation is as important as the operation itself. In addition, it can have many effects on the success of the implantation procedure.

Skin and hair care includes washing, feeding and rest. Hair care is very important especially in the first week and also the first month Those interested in participating in the hair transplantation course can register now. In this article, we try to comprehensively introduce all care after hair transplant.

What to do after a hair transplant?

One of the most common questions among those who have done hair transplantation is what is the care after hair transplantation. In response to this question, it should be said that you must take care of the transplanted area and the donor after the operation and health tips. comply with If you do not take care after hair transplantation seriously, the transplanted hair may be damaged, and in this case, you will not be able to get the desired result from hair transplantation.

We recommend that you follow the An Extensive Guide To Hair Transplant Aftercare and Recovery that we mention in this article for 3 months to see the desired result of your hair transplant. The first week and also the first month are very important. In this article, we try to comprehensively introduce all care after hair transplant.

Care after hair transplantation

The most important stage in hair transplant care is the first three days. In some hair transplant procedures, your neck is covered with a bandage. The area where the implant is done will be left open. After the operation, the patient should rest at home. There is no need to be hospitalized. Having a throbbing sensation in the head after hair transplant is completely normal. You may have some pain and discomfort in the first 3 days. This pain will decrease to a great extent after the third day.

Try not to bathe and touch the hair transplant area for 3 days. After hair transplant, you should regularly use prescribed antibiotics and pain relievers. Hair follicles should be protected from dust and sun. For this purpose, it is better to use a comfortable hat in the care after hair transplantation. In addition, smoking and alcohol consumption are not recommended after the implantation procedure. This will slow down the healing process after implantation. Also pay attention to your sleeping condition after hair transplant. In order to prevent hair damage, we recommend not sleeping on your back.

Head injury after hair transplant

There is an Extensive Guide To Hair Transplant Aftercare and Recovery, one of which is dedicated to head trauma after hair transplant. If your head is suddenly hit after hair transplant surgery, it can cause damage to the transplanted hair and scalp tissue. This may lead to hair loss or other problems in the implanted area. Therefore, you should avoid hitting the head and possible injuries to the implanted area. If you have been hit in the head, consider the following points:

  1. After the impact, give enough rest to your body and especially to your head. Limit heavy physical activities and do not create pressure and erosion on the implanted area. Wash the affected area gently and carefully. Avoid using too hot or too cold water. Also, avoid using irritating chemical products or strong disinfectants in the area.
  2. One of the problems that may occur after hair transplantation is a head injury. A head injury may occur during an accident, fall, or even during post-hair transplant care such as removing blood tubes, in which case you should stay calm and go to the hospital and consult a specialist.

In general, a blow to the head can damage the hair roots and result in hair loss. To avoid this problem, you should pay attention to the following ways:

  1. Wearing a hat when leaving home
  2. Using a sports helmet during sports and outdoor activities
  3. Observing care after hair transplantation carefully and carefully and in the order determined by the doctor
  4. Using natural and organic shampoos and hair care products
  5. Avoid using high heat to blow dry and style the hair
  6. Eating healthy and varied food, including foods rich in protein, vegetables and dairy products

Care for the first week after hair transplantation

After 3 days of hair transplant, you can take a bath with your doctor’s permission. After the first bath, your recovery process will go much faster. By the end of the third day, the tiny holes in the back of your head will heal. In the first week, scaling will be observed in the planting area. This can cause itching. Avoid scratching this area during this time.

After the 10th day of hair transplant care, this flaking condition will almost disappear. It is also forbidden to use cigarettes and alcohol in the first week. Avoid exercising during this time. After a week you can return to your normal activities.

1 month after hair transplant care

From the second week to the second month of care after hair transplant, your new hair will start to fall out. This is completely normal and you should not worry. Hair falls out to make room for your new hair. After hair loss after transplantation, new hair strands will grow. During this period of time, which is also known as the shock period, you can start light sports. But you should not do sports that cause a lot of sweating. In some procedures, you may need to protect your head from the sun for a month.

Care for the first three months after hair transplantation

After 3 months of hair transplant, you have passed the most important period of care after hair transplant. During this time, your new hair grows longer and takes on a natural state. It takes 6 months to a year for the transplanted hair to grow completely and the type of hair to be curly or straight.

How to wash for the first time after hair transplant

There is a comprehensive guide to hair transplant care and recovery. One of them is related to the first washing that you do. Hair transplantation is a very sensitive and important operation. Most of the people who undergo implantation. They think that they can return to their normal life from the very first day.

However, this judgment is very wrong. After hair transplant, your hair follicles become very sensitive and fragile. As a result, proper protection and care of hair is very much needed. It is forbidden to wash hair in the first days. But you have to wash it a few days after the hair transplant. Your doctor will guide you on what to do when washing your hair. However, it is absolutely necessary to pay attention to the following:

  • According to the doctor’s recommendations, wash your hair on the third or fourth day after the implantation procedure.
  • Before washing your hair, use the oil and cream recommended by your doctor and wait for an average of 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Using oil and cream will provide proper care for your hair.
  • Apply the shampoo that your doctor prescribes for all types of hair transplants on your hair, but avoid pouring it directly on your head.
  • Do not wash the implanted area with aggressive and rough movements.
  • Wash your scalp with gentle movements of your fingertips.
  • Do not use very hot or cold water.

How to sleep after hair transplant

How to sleep after hair transplant

sleep after hair transplant

Care after hair transplantation includes a series of things, including paying attention to the sleeping position to prevent and reduce the swelling of the forehead area. For this purpose and to protect the implant site, it may be necessary to rest for a few days at an angle of 45 degrees. However, some patients experience very little swelling and do not need to sleep on high pillows.

hair transplant aftercare products

after hair transplant, you can use several different supplements prescribed by your doctor. These supplements include vitamin pills, oils and ointments, etc. These types of supplements are categorized. Supplements are effective in order to improve the quality of hair transplant and have more natural hair in a short period of time. As a result, regular use of these supplements improves the success and outcome of the operation.

Correction after hair transplant

Another care after a hair transplant is shaving. The recipient area can be shaved one month after the transplant. Donor areas can also be shaved a week after surgery until the donor area scabs are gone. After the hair transplant operation, you must take special care to get a faster recovery and a better result for the hair transplant. At this stage of care after hair transplantation, you must be very careful in shaving your hair so as not to damage the transplanted hair. In the following, I will point out some points that you should follow in shaving after hair transplantation:

Right time

To trim the hair after implantation, you should consult your doctor about the best time for this. Some doctors may advise you to wait at least one week after the operation.

Use of suitable tools

To shave the hair after implantation, you should use suitable and gentle tools. Combs, mice, brushes with soft and lint-free heads, and hair straighteners should be used with the least possible tension and force.

Avoiding head trauma

You should avoid head trauma and follow the doctor’s instructions in this regard. Hitting the head can cause breakage of implanted hair.

Avoiding drying of the head

To trim the hair after implantation, contact with water or excessive humidity with the implantation site should be avoided. Drying of the implant site can cause the skin to open and the implanted hair to separate.

Following the doctor’s instructions

To shave hair after transplant, you must follow your doctor’s instructions. If your doctor has forbidden you to shave your hair at this stage, it is better to avoid this procedure.

Exercise and physical activity after hair transplant

Exercise and physical activity after hair transplant

Exercise after hair transplant

In the An Extensive Guide To Hair Transplant Aftercare and Recovery exercise should also be addressed. Immediately after hair transplantation, you can start walking for a short time. You can also do light physical exercises that do not make you sweat a lot. It is better to exercise actively ten days after the operation. It is recommended to take a shower after training to minimize the risk of infection.

Alcohol consumption after hair transplant

Alcohol consumption increases the healing time of wounds after hair transplant. It is better to wait until two weeks after the operation to consume alcohol. Consuming alcohol after hair transplant is not recommended, because it may irritate the scalp and cause inflammation, thus slowing down the recovery and proper results from hair transplant. Also, alcohol consumption causes the blood vessels of the head to expand and increase bleeding, which can increase the risk of bleeding at the hair transplant site.

Sex after hair transplant

After the hair transplant operation, it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse for at least one week to allow the scalp to heal completely and to reduce the risk of infection and bleeding. Also, if you feel comfortable and healed after a week, you can return to sex, but you should be aware of the risks associated with sex after hair transplant.

If you are suffering from bleeding or inflammation at the hair transplant site for any reason, you should avoid sex at all costs until the recovery is complete. Due to the blood pressure that occurs in the skull and scalp, you should refrain from any sexual activity for ten days after hair transplant.

final word

As with any surgery, there are many things to consider during hair transplant care and recovery. However, one of the main advantages of hair transplantation is that the recovery process is easy, relatively painless, and the instructions are easy to follow. In this article, we discussed An Extensive Guide To Hair Transplant Aftercare and Recovery, but if there is a question that occupies your mind, just write to us, we will answer you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hair Transplant Aftercare and Recovery

  1. How can I take better care of my natural hair transplant?
    Gentle care and washing: wash your implanted hair and natural hair with suitable and gentle products. Follow the doctor’s advice: Always follow the doctor’s advice and instructions after the hair transplant operation.
  2. Do I have to follow a special diet?
    Healthy nutrition is very important to maintain the health of transplanted hair and natural hair. In the care after hair transplantation, consuming enough food, nutrients and protecting hair from the sun and chemicals in cosmetic products can help improve the quality of hair.
  3. How to wash hair after hair transplantation?
    Cover the transplant area with the prescribed lotions and avoid rubbing the hair and scalp.
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